A big thanks to David Madison and Kate Webster for letting the Sheet Metal Workers talk apprenticeship to two groups of counselors today! This was a great chance to talk about the Construction Trades Career Fair coming up on January 31, 2019.
I got to visit C-TEC welding program today and Mr. S let me talk to both Juniors and Senior students. We get some really great Sheet Metal Workers from this program!
Good meeting today at Limbach planning the Fort Hayes Career Fair on January 31, 2019. Katie Raterman chaired the meeting and does a great job leader the group to our 3rd annual career fair. MAYOR GINTHER'S OUTREACH SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING TODAY. THANKS TO BARRY PICKETT FOR MAKING THIS COMMITTEE WORK.
We had a meeting with inspector Tim Smith, to plan 2 days of inspector BIP classes. Thanks to instructor John Hahn for volunteering to take the lead on these classes. Looking forward to July BIP classes.