C-Tec students provided breakfast for the welding programs advisory meeting today. A good breakfast and interesting meetings to follow. Both High School and Adult welding programs are doing good and both have plenty of quality students. Good to see women and men interested in the Sheet Metal Apprenticeship. I hope Mr Strelecky and Leo Collins keep sending students our way.
Columbus State Community College (CSCC) Skilled Trades Advisory Board Meeting. Working with Columbus State to improve the Skilled Trades Program. We discussed ways to get information to CSCC students about apprenticeship. There was talk about visits to training centers, job fair, and having training coordinator visit CSCC classes. The CSCC leaders said these are good ideas and will work to implement them. The Sheet Metal Workers have some very good members that came from CSCC and we get applicants from this program frequently. Nice to have a relationship at an advisory level along with an articulation agreement to grant members college credit. A real partnership with Columbus State!
Seven Pastors of Center Ohio Dinner at the Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall with Dorsey Hager at the Building Trades. We talked about how to reach out and get a more diverse workforce. The pastors said they will educate the members about the great opportunities and we promised to help the members get through the application process. Looks like a good avenue to recruit skilled trades apprentices, we will continue working on a better relationship and keep this conversation open.
George Meany Dinner Tonight with Business Agents Jeff Rush and Rodney French.
ERISA Boot Camp is Training by Ledbetter/Parisi for ERISA Trust Funds (Including Apprenticeship). Michael and his team did a great job explaining the complex subjects of ERISA and covering a multitude of subjects without losing our attention. I highly recommend Ledbetter/Parisi to anyone considering ERSIA legal help.Meeting with OSAC Patrick Reardon today to discuss updating standards and the process to get our pre-apprentice program recognized by OSAC.
Applicants are scheduled for an interview today. After the interviews are finished and the numbers are put in the computer, we will have a new applicant list to work from. As always we bring people in according to their rank on this list.
Equal opportunity for all. Enrollment of minorities in union apprentice programs is about three times the number enrolled in non-union programs, and there are four times as many women enrolled in union training. Graduation rates of minorities and women from union apprentice programs is three times that of non-union programs. The all-trades graduation rate for union apprentice programs was 82.2 percent, compared with 17.8 percent for non-union programs. Delaware Area Career Center (DACC) welding advisory meeting today. Brad Dement runs a top notch program and Mr. Dement has a great relationship with the students.
West High School Career Fair Today. Act Ohio talks to students about building trades and the Sheet Metal Workers.
Visited Eastland Career Center Welding Students today and talked about Sheet Metal Apprenticeship. We have always managed to get some of the best and brightest new apprentices. This is one of the programs that we get not only new students but future leaders.
Ohio State Apprenticeship Council (OSAC) meeting today.