Tina and I met Eugene Frazier and Tracy for a Sunday morning breakfast and time to plan out our week at SKILLS USA State Contest. Eugene and Tracy, good friends, great people, and a dedicated coordinator.
Eastland Career Center welding advisory meeting tonight, Brian Huston does a great job. We have a lot of good sheet metal workers from Eastland.
An AWS welding certification test is being offered at the Columbus training center for SMART LU#24 members. You need to call and reserve your spot, they are first come first served. You will need a dues receipt for the current month and a photo ID. Call Rob or Cheri to save your spot. 614-471-3107
Gave a report to the membership at SMART LU#24 at tonight's meeting.
I invite you to participate in an Interested Party meeting to discuss implementation details for Project PIPEline, which seeks to recruit and support diverse youth in pursuit of a career in skilled trades through mentorship and experiential education. Whitehall City Schools is confirmed as our pilot project district, and we are eager to discuss opportunities for partnership with your respective organizations.
Tolles Advisory meeting tonight from 5-7 pm. New saw and Iron worker at the Tolles career Center Welding Lab, NICE!