COSI is a great setting for CSMWA and SMCCO work together to attend and man this all day college/career fair, Lots of students and parents come through and ask good questions. Kiwanis Club of Columbus is proud to announce the 38th Annual Columbus Kiwanis College Fair scheduled for Monday, September 25, 2016, at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI), 333 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio.
You may have already received the hard-copy invitation letter and registration form that was mailed last week. If so, this will serve as a reminder. If for some reason the mailing did not get to the correct place, we have attached electronic copies of what was included. If you are not the right person to receive this information, please forward this e-mail to the appropriate individual or department. This year’s Columbus Kiwanis College Fair promises to be bigger than ever, for several reasons. COSI is a fantastic venue and it will be an additional draw for parents during the evening session. Second, as students have requested, we have invited more schools, expanding our reach and providing more options. Finally, we have again partnered with Dispatch Media in an aggressive promotional campaign that will reach nearly 250,000 homes in the targeted area. You can be sure your school will receive plenty of exposure and have more than ample traffic coming to your booth. We are anticipating upwards of 200 colleges and universities to participate in this year’s event, with more than 3,000 high school students attending the morning session, the evening session, or both. Students and their guidance counselors will be bused in during the morning session while the evening session is designed to bring parents along with the students. The evening session will also feature other educational services available through the Columbus City Schools. The deadline for registration is Friday, September 13, but you can receive a $25 discount and be included in the printed promotional materials, with an “Early-Bird” registration received by Friday, August 11. We hope you can join us. Our annual event continues to grow and consistently receives strong feedback from those schools who participate, year in and year out. This year will be no different.
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